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Chairperson: Jane Sutton

Assistant: Lisa Langford


Student Affiliate is a program that provides opportunities and incentives to students at all levels of musical development. These musical experiences foster a genuine love for music, a challenge for musical independence, plus a sense of achievement. To participate in any of these activities, students must enroll in the TMTA Student Affiliate program. 


1.  ONLINE enrollment with TMTA at

2.  LOCAL enrollment and payment (send to Jane Sutton)






  1. Sign in to  Click on the blue SIGN IN button in the upper right corner of the page.

  2. A list of your students will appear.  Click on the EDIT button next to each student’s name.

  3. Choose the current grade level for the student.

  4. Select STUDENT IS HOMESCHOOLED if applicable.

  5. In the Notes Box type “SA 2023-24”

  6. Scroll down to the Contact Information and Notes section and type STUDENT AFFILIATE in the Notes box.  (The SA Chairman will check the Student Affiliate box once fees have been processed.)

  7. Fill in parent contact information for students participating in Ensemble, Composition  Contest, and Publication Contest.  Participants in Theory and World of Music tests do not need parent contact information.

  8. Click on SAVE STUDENT at the bottom of the page when you are finished. 

  9. To add a new student who is NOT a transfer from another teacher, click on the ADD STUDENT button at the bottom of your list of students on the right side of the page. Complete all student information. Click SAVE STUDENT.


* Inform the local Student Affiliate chairman of any students who have transferred from another TMTA teacher.  DO NOT enter a transfer student as a new student. The local SA chairman will transfer the student to your profile list.


* Notify the local chairman of any inactive students you would like to delete from your profile list.  If you think the student may participate in SA activities in the future, it would be best to leave them on your list since past participation information may be lost.






After enrolling students online, fill out the Local SA Enrollment Form. Mail with a check for fees to the chairperson. 


After the initial enrollment in September, this form and payment must be received by the 10th of each month to be included in that month’s late enrollment. (TMTA accepts enrollment once a month.)





  • Annual Teacher Fee by Sept. 13: $8.00

  • LATE Teacher Fee after Sept. 13: $10.00


  • Annual Student Fee by Sept. 13: $13.00 

  • LATE Student Fee after Sept. 13: $19.00 


  • Kindergarten Fee: $7.00


Late enrollments may be submitted once a month. Your list and fees must be submitted to Jane Sutton by the 10th of each month.  No enrollments after March 9.






  1. Vocal and instrumental students from grades K-12 and post-12 are eligible to become         Student Affiliates.

  2. The Student’s teacher must be a member of LMTA, with dues paid.

  3. LMTA teachers must pay their teacher fee and enroll and their students in Student Affiliate BEFORE registering students for any SA activities. There is a $15 penalty per student (in addition to the SA enrollment fee) when a student is entered in a SA activity before enrollment in SA is completed. Since late enrollments are sent only once per month, students should be enrolled in Student Affiliate at least a month prior to registering for any SA activity.  


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April 12, 2025

Sheet Music and Guitar

Fall Test: November 9, 2024

Spring Test: February 8, 2025

Music Class

Grade 3-6

Deadline for Video Submission

February 22, 2025 

Geography Lesson

March 12, 2025

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